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Carillon Music Scholarship Fundraising

Carillon Music was established in 1970 as the first music school to specialize in teaching young children in the lower mainland.  The school has expanded to include piano, voice, and guitar lessons.

Each year, Carillon Music Academy hosts two music festivals: the Contemporary Piano Festival held in February, and the Carillon Music Festival held in April. Participants include students from Carillon as well as students from outside teachers, and participants with the highest achievements receive trophies and/or scholarships to further their music education.


To assist with raising scholarship and award funds , we would like to offer you the opportunity to advertise your business through us. Hundreds of families attend and participate in our Music Festival and will have the opportunity to see your advertisement in: the Official Festival Program (black & white only); on the Carillon Music Website: ; on the Carillon Music Academy Facebook page; Twitter; Snapchat and at both Surrey and Burnaby locations.

Advertisement costs are as follows: 
Child playing the piano

$25.00 ................ Business card-size ad

$50.00 ................ Half a page ad

$100.00 .............. Full page ad

All proceeds from your advertisement will go directly towards Student Scholarships and trophies. Advertisement can be paid for by cheque (made out to Carillon Music) or cash, and ads can be submitted in hard copy or digital form.

The deadline for receiving advertisement is

Thank you for your consideration of our request to help reward the outstanding musicians in our community.

Festival Committee

Carillon Music Academy
100 - 6846 King George Blvd
Surrey, BC, V3W 4Z9


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